Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beau School for the Deaf

Today we had two speakers come and discuss Beau School for the Deaf in Central Africa. It was founded in 2003, by Aloysius and Margaret Bibum. The school is working hard to earn money to build a new school to transfer the students to. The amount of students have increased to over a hundred, which is exciting to hear. They recently bought the property and are in the middle of paying it off. The new school has a layout already drawn up and seems to be coming along.

Most children have struggling families who can not afford any means of education for their children. One organization called Friends of Beau School for the Deaf, set up fundraisers and get sponsors involved to make a difference in these young children's lives. You can actually join their organization for ten dollars which will go towards the greater cause of a child's education.

It is said that children there do not have easy access to water. In many cases when the water is open children swam to the area with buckets to fill. After the water closes children must travel to get any water and even then it may not be available. The new school they are in the process of developing will have a well system installed providing fresh and accessible water to the children that got to the school. When hearing this presentation I could hear both presenters had their whole hearts in it. It motivated me to want to make a difference, which is the reason why I am going to choose to work with this school to raise the much needed money.

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