Tuesday, March 9, 2010

South Africa and AIDS

Listening to Dr. Henderson explain facts concerning South Africa put it in a perspective from someone who has visited Africa several times. We also went into further detail about the issue of AIDS. We were handed the statistics sheet and it was astonishing to know that forty eight million people reside there and speak about eleven languages. Of these languages South African Sign Language is not considered one of the eleven despite the fact there are 1.2 million Deaf or hard of hearing people in South Africa.

He went on to explain the epidemic of AIDS. They have a International AIDS Conference that brings people together to make a difference. Approximately 25-35 % of those living in South Africa are infected with this epidemic killer. Sad enough as it is 60% or possibly higher are children. This can come from lack of education, sterilization, proper medical care so on and so forth. 2/3 of of newly infected people are between fifteen and twenty-four years of age. The percentage of women who are infected by the age of twenty is at 60%. I look at these number and want to reach out. If countries struggling with poverty were better educated the rate of AIDS may decrease tremendously. Using medical tools which are not sterile and performing circumcisions with mixed blood, if stopped, would potentially create longer healthier lives. Not only that but clean water and better treatment would increase life expectancy for the tribe in South Africa.

Like always the information was all knew to me. I was aware of an AIDS problem in South Africa, but was clueless of its severity. and the high percentage of children effected by this. By sending people over to Africa to educate the people and provide the proper resources may help them long after we leave.


  1. I thought it was really interesting too that South Africa recognizes 11 languages. That seems like so many especially for a country that is only twice the size of Texas while the United States only has one and it technically isn't even "official." I found the speech by the President, Mbeki, with the various statistics very interesting too. It was shocking to see how drastic the life expectancies are from one country to another as well as the HIV/AIDS statistics in Africa. I wonder what the statistics are now since this speech was given 10 years ago. That would be really interesting to research.

  2. I was amazed to learn that South Africa has ELEVEN recognized languages. I live in a country where two languages are recongized; English and French. I was too accustomed with only one or two recognized languages such as Canada, America, Europe, and Australia.
    I wonder if these children were provided with greater education access, will they be taught eleven languages or would they be taught with the language they reside in?

  3. i was interested that South Africa has 1.2million Deaf and hard of hear poeple. there is sign languages and has 12 langauages.
