Tuesday, February 23, 2010

World Hunger

Malnutrition is defined by the Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia, as a "lack of some or all nutritional elements". Imaging this on a world wide level. It is hard to believe and sickening to think of us Gallaudet students throwing away so much food and take advantage of three or four plates on random snacks. It is said that 1.02 billion people are undernourished. Three reasons are ignoring agriculture that is run by poor people, the economy struggling on a world wide level and the increase of food cost. This is said to impact 32.5% of children in countries that are developing. It is also said the 70% of children who are malnutrition live in Asia.

In the United States articles claim that 13 billion children are hungry. With the new "epidemic" in the US regarding obesity, this number it hard to believe. Can you imagine that one in every ten homes have children that struggle with hunger issues. It is said the first in these households that go without food are the parents, but overtime the lack of food effects the children as well. I wonder about matters such as this and if the government takes these children from their homes. Who reports these families and why are they not getting welfare, food stamps or going to shelters?

Articles on hunger explain around 11 million children around the age of five (kindergarten age) will die yearly. Half of these children's death is due to hunger, whereas a few are completely starved. In under developed poor countries about 25 % of children are underweight. This is a problem that should be protected under children's rights. All of this information is very disturbing and donating to organizations or volunteering in food shelter may make a difference.



WWW.freedomfrom hunger.org/info/

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