Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Global Literacy

Global illiteracy is a concern that impacts the lives of many mothers, fathers and children preventing them from a fulfilling life and potential opportunities for employment and escape from poverty. Organizations such as United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) receives reports on adult literacy rates. There is a correlation between high income countries and higher levels of literacy that can be identified through these reports. In 2000, UNESCO announced that approximately 900 million people throughout developing countries that are illiterate. That is twenty-five percent of children and adults who are unable to read and/or write. They did find however 4% of adults here in America are illiterate. ONLY FOUR. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Britain announced their findings that 22% of the population in England and Whales are illiterate.

Overall, this semester we have learned of social justice issues. In the case of illiteracy, that fact that people are not provided with proper education is and issue in itself. Lack of education seems to influence children in ways such a vulnerability, which could potentially lead to sex trafficking and child labor issues. Many families who continue to remain illiterate are stuck in the cycle of chronic poverty, malnutrition and possible death. Without employment providing a home that every child deserves to have is limited. It is a domino effect that on the larger scale is not just about reading and writing.

If developed countries provided resources, collected money to establish a school system and literate people went there and taught adults and children how to read and write, they could spread this knowledge and reduce many issues that they face.


Below is a map of literacy rates
File:World literacy map UNHD 2007 2008.png

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