Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Research on Sex Trafficking

I must say, I never thought sex trafficking was a persistent issue. Through my research I found out how common it is not only in other countries, but here in America. One article made me so peeved. A fifteen year old girl was abducted in Phoenix, AZ and was put up for sale on Craig's list. As many as fifty married men with children bought her. The pimps that were holding her hostage forced her in a dog cage for forty days until her whole body was numb. This harsh treatment continued for a while, along with other cruel forms of treatments such as beatings, forced drug use and starving her. Police located the girl and found her stuffed in a drawer shaking. The thing that upset me most was the fact that all involved were not pleaded guilty.

Caught in some of these transactions are American doctors, fathers, husbands. How can people carry on with there life when they have the idea embedded in the back of there mind that they stole the innocence away from a young girl. I had no idea you could buy people on Craig' List, did you? Why do cops not go undercover more often and "buy" these girls and rescue them. Could our law enforcement do that? I thought this topic would be interesting, but I found it more then that. It really bothered me and if I could do something I would. I do not know where I would start besides educating people on the issue we have at hand. There are two webites you all may want to take a look at. or

Both of these news reports made my jaw drop and I had to use them in the paper for school on child sex trafficking. I feel it gave an inside look and I was sick to my stomach. Please feel free to let me know what you think about the articles and post any feeling you have about them. I am interested to get everyones perspective on what they feel the criminal justice system should do, as well as what we can do to put a stop to this commercial sex industry?

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